Plan Your Best Birth Mini Course

Do you want to have your best birth possible
no matter what happens?

The Plan Your Best Birth mini course will help you do just that!

Congratulations on your new little one! What an amazing blessing!

Right now, it seems like you have all the time in the world to prepare for the birth of your baby, but the day will be here before you know it! How do you feel thinking about that day? Scared? Excited? Nervous? Happy? A crazy mix of all of it?

What if I told you that by preparing for your birth and making a birth plan, you can have an amazing experience no matter what happens?

There is never a guarantee with birth that everything will happen exactly as we want. In fact, after ten births, I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will not likely get everything you want. (I have only come close one time!) But I can also tell you with absolute certainty that you CAN have your best birth possible, even without it all going your way!


By knowing your options, choosing your place and provider wisely and knowing yourself so that you can have what you need with you to have an amazing birth experience. You would be amazed at all of the options available to you in where you can birth your baby, the different types of providers, the ways to birth and what is available to you to make your environment as comfortable as possible and what is available for discomfort management.

The Plan Your Best Birth mini course will walk you through choosing where to give birth, choosing a provider and discuss the different options you have in labor for atmosphere, environment, pain and discomfort management, and labor positions. You will also learn about different birthing options and the decisions you will need to make for baby. Knowing what is available to you and thinking about what you really desire for your labor and birth will help you in preparing to have your best birth possible.

Join me as I walk you through these options and help you figure out what the best choices are for you and your birth.

Maybe you’re wondering why you should bother preparing. After all, you will have a baby one way or another right?

While, this is true, God created us to birth and being an active participant in this amazing, life-changing event is a blessing that God has given to us. Planning allows us to be an active participant in our labor and birth. We honor God and His design when we learn about birth and learn about our options so we can make the best choices for us with Him leading the way. Planning and preparing for birth is a God glorifying act of worship.

Preparing also helps us align our hearts with God who knows all that is happening in our birth and in our bodies. One way or another you will have a baby, but sometimes we need God to show us what actually needs to be done. With my second child I had my plan: no interventions. But God in His sovereign wisdom changed my plan and it saved the lives of both my daughter and me.

Preparing also lets your providers know your expectations and gives you clarity in expressing your desires. Sometimes healthcare providers have in their minds how things should be done no matter what is happening. If your expectation differs from theirs, this gives you time to talk through your differences and discover if changes need to be made, such as changing providers or alteration in your plans. If your differences are with someone in the hospital it gives you want you need to stand up for yourself. Preparing for birth and having a plan in place empowers you to speak clearly about what you want.

Preparing allows your husband and you to be on the same page. Most men do not know about labor and birth. If you want your husband with you as part of your labor team then you need to know to the best of your ability what is going on and what you’re wanting so you can tell him how to best help you. As you learn and prepare you can share what you’re learning and tell him your desires for your birth. Your husband may have some insights as you learn as well and you can hear from him as you plan so that you are unified in the birth plan you have.

Maybe you’re thinking, “But I don’t have time to plan my birth.” In some respects, you’re right! These 36 weeks (or less!) will fly by and so you really don’t have much time at all! By taking time to learn about your options you will be well prepared for your normal visits, be prepared with questions and save you time during your appointments.

Also, taking the time to learn and prepare helps alleviate stress and fear so that you may even save yourself time in labor! Being calm and relaxed helps the birth to move forward smoothly and helps with dilation. While labor could still take a long time, every bit of education and preparation you give yourself will help you in having your best experience.

Maybe you’re reading this and wondering if this can help you. Let me break it down for you.

The Plan Your Best Birth Mini Course is for you if:

  • You want to be an active participant in your labor and delivery
  • You want to know what works best for you
  • You want to have a say in what happens during your labor and delivery and knowledge to help you know what to say
  • You want to better understand your options in labor and delivery
  • You are open to learning all aspects of childbirth and want to learn both sides
  • You want to have the best birth possible no matter what comes

The Plan Your Best Birth Mini Course is NOT for you if:

  • You want to be told what to do in labor
  • You want to have labor happen to you
  • You already know what kind of birth you want and do not want to learn about other options
  • You have a staunchly medical or natural approach to childbirth
  • You believe there is no purpose in planning

“When I was pregnant with my first child, Emmie introduced me to Childbirth Conversations. I didn’t know what to expect, but thought that my OB had already talked to me about most of my options for childbirth. Emmie’s course taught me that there are many options to childbirth, and that each birth is truly different no matter how many children you have. I researched childbirth fairly well before getting pregnant, but did not realize how many different options were out there. It’s important that we know what options are out there and know that we do not have to choose the traditional route unless that is what is best for us.” ~Hayley Roberts

FAQ About the mini course

How will the mini course be delivered?

The mini course will be delivered by email with links to handouts to download and print and a link to the videos. All material will be delivered up front in the first email, with additional emails to aid in your progress.

What all is included in the mini course?

  • 13 instructional videos
  • Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Provider Worksheets (Printable)
  • Birth Planning Worksheets (Printable)
  • Printable Birth Plan

What topics are covered in the mini course?

  • Options for where to give birth
  • Different care providers
  • Additional support persons to have with you
  • Setting up your environment and atmosphere
  • Options for discomfort and pain management
  • Options for delivery
  • What is do be done for baby after birth

How soon will I have access to the course?

You will receive your first email within 24 hours unless purchased between Saturday night and Sunday night.

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have lifetime access to the course to use on all of your births as well as access to updates made in the future.

What if I’m not satisfied with the course?

There is a 14 day money back guarantee. Please email to request it.

So what are you waiting for? Join me on this journey to plan your best birth today!

Emmie Beth is a wife, mother to ten children and labor and delivery nurse. Her experience in hospital births and having various unmedicated births has given her a knowledge and experience in the many aspects of births that helps her to teach on the options available to you and help you make the best decisions for your birth.

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